M.A. Broadcast Media
Media Industry has changed a lot in the last fifteen years. The focus has shifted from traditional media to Broadcast and Digital Media. The Internet has made an enormous impact not only on the news gathering process and presentation style but also on the way content is produced and consumed. Journalism and Media aspirants need to learn such dynamic upgrades in the media industry through the course designed by industry professionals and fully equipped Journalism and Media School. Broadcast media is a blend of skills and technology, and skills can be developed only through practical training. M.A. in broadcast media is a specially designed course for the electronic media enthusiast seeking to be part of the mesmerizing world of media. Broadcast media is a huge umbrella consisting of various platforms & Media. The program covers all the platforms of broadcast media such as Television, Digital media, Radio, and Online Media. The Masters’ program at MGM deals with a complete understanding of global electronic media, with special emphasis on enhancing the technical skills of students. MGM being a prominent media school in India aids you to learn all the required skills through a uniquely designed Post Graduate Program.
Program Structure:
Introduction to Mass Communication Introduction to Media Accessories Fundamentals of Broadcast Reporting Understanding Audiences |
Television News Production News Writing & Anchoring Skills Web Journalism Blogging and Vlogging |
Mobile Journalism & Drone Journalism Multi Camera Studio Production Documentary Production Digital Marketing |
Final Project Internship** Dissertation |
Contact : 0240-6481051, 8806255507